Have you ever wondered how much space you take up in the world?
What does that even mean?
Taking up space in the world means you dare to express yourself in all of who you are.
Taking up space in the world means you don’t keep yourself small because of fear of what others will say or think.
Taking up space in the world means you speak up for yourself and take your own side.
Taking up space in the world means you choose to believe in your abilities and capabilities no matter how difficult the road ahead appears to be.
Taking up space in the world does not mean you push others away or overpower them.
It merely means you give yourself the permission to also have a life, to enjoy your life, to do the things you want to do.
If you are breathing then you are a part of this world and you have a place in it, so take it.
Ask yourself: How can I take up more of my space in this world, in this life I have?