You know that saying that refers to someone who is quite a handful? Someone who is just too much?
Well, this is about our minds, our thoughts, that are just too much, and quite a “headful”.
Have you ever had one of those days that leave you racing, leave your mind racing, time passes by, and you feel so disconnected from the day, and yourself, because you are trying to make it all work – sometimes all at the same time?
On days like these, we do need to “just breathe”, keep that going yes, but it will also take some time to stabilize if we are in a chaotic state from the day and our minds and thoughts are just too much.
We need to give ourselves time to decompress and reconnect with the day and the life around us; reconnect with ourselves.
Working with a lot of people is a big deal to our systems, and it’s something we need to manage within ourselves.
Many of us bulldoze through the day and through our interactions with others and we don’t consolidate all the action at the end of the day.
We are bulldozing our nervous systems.
Whether it’s taking a hot bath or shower, meditating and doing deep breath work, napping, crying, screaming, journaling, dancing, giving ourselves a hug (yes, giving ourselves a hug), or whatever works to help you relax, ensure that it is nourishing, nurturing, and gives you a sense of peace, even if it is just a small sense of peace for now.
We can build our small moments of peace into bigger moments of peace over time.
So, relax your face, and ask yourself: How can I reconnect with myself again after a chaotic day? What do I need right now?