I listened to an interesting interview the other day from Jay Shetty’s Podcast (https://jayshetty.me/chelsea-handler/). Chelsea Handler mentioned that she lived in this bubble: this bubble of a reality all her life; a reality based on the past, on fear-based perceptions and trauma. 
(Trauma is such a big cause of suffering for a lot of us, and I will explore this more in future emails to you.)

I reflected on my own life, how I create a bubble of reality based on my past.

I really resonated with this, because isn’t it so relatable? 

Think of your own life and experiences as you read through this, and I invite you to also listen to the interview with Chelsea Handler.

We all have a story. A story of how we grew up, how we were treated, or not treated.

Some experiences stayed with us a bit more than others. Some experiences still sting us a little bit more than others. Some experiences feels like a kick in our gut. Some experiences we would rather not revisit (like, hell no!).

But the thing about our past though, about how we grew up and the people we grew up around, they will be with us whether we like it or not, whether we are conscious of them or not.

So, why not rather be conscious of them rather than them running in the background because when they run in the background, in our unconscious, we behave in a way based on those past experiences.

They are like those pesky apps that run in the background and eats all our data and then we wonder: ‘What’s eating up all my data!’. 

In this case it’s our pesky unconscious beliefs that eat up all our energy!

And then this creates that bubble of reality, based on a distortion of our past (I hope this makes sense?). 

But, how do we become more conscious of the unconscious? 


Self-awareness sets us up for a more conscious lifestyle and our behaviours become based on who we consciously choose to be instead of how we unconsciously chose in the past.

We can start to burst that bubble with a willingness to be more self-aware. 

Ok, so all this sounds great. Just choose who you want to be! You are one choice away from a better you…..but, it’s NOT easy. 

The act of choosing a better way of being is a difficult process, a process that requires commitment, dedication, and true intention to really want to change. 

Choosing is a daily process. 

Choosing with an intention to change will lead to more self-awareness. 

Choosing differently is hard because we have so many habitual choices already. 

But, even if this is hard, the power lies in our choices. 

Choose courage – even if it is small at first – that’s okay. 

Choose the willingness to want something better and more for yourself. 

Choose the willingness to want to change to a healthier way of being. 

So, go ahead and burst your bubble.

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