Another edition of my Double Dose Message that I came across, or rather, it came across me: challenging our limits. It came from coach Jay Shetty in one of his coaching videos, and then Stefanos Sifandos also mentioned it in a Facebook post.  

Our limits. What are these? How do we go to their edges and then beyond?

Our limits are so interesting, could they be like horizons for us; horizons in all aspects of our lives: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical? We rarely come into view of our horizons because we are quite comfortable within our zones of comfort and that is what we can see infront of us most of the time.

Even what is infront of us can sometimes be challenging on its own, requiring us to focus on that, so where do we find the strength or willpower to go beyond what is infront of us and truly progress and grow?

Maybe we start with what is in front of us? Maybe what is in front of us is not actually helping us grow, or helping us lead a life in alignment with who we truly are. Maybe what is in front of us is harming us, but we continue to stay there because it is all we know, and out of fear we don’t quite know how to break free of it.

Our limits are beyond these zones we find ourselves in everyday. These zones can either entrap us or be a doorway that leads us to our limits where we progress.

Our limits are the horizons and we can learn to approach them a bit more everyday, with practice, a willingness to want something different, and intention to want to do something that will stretch and propel us into something new. We can start to approach our limits gently; we don’t have to go ALL in – we can start small and work our way to big, but to reach our limits we need to start with where we are, with what is in front of us, and then move through it to the next and the next…

When we approach our limits it will feel really really uncomfortable, confusing, and scary because it’s something we don’t know or are familiar with, so we will feel cautious and not quite trusting at first.

Let’s see our limits from a new perspective. They are horizons and we can crawl, walk, or run to them, and then jump over or bust through them. We can approach these horizons with curiosity and a willingness to improve who we are and how we show up. Change comes when we want it, when we know something is not quite ok with us and our life anymore.

I think one important distinction to make here is that we have limits and then limiting aspects in our life. Our limits are horizons we can strive to reach to grow and our limiting aspects can be aspects that keep us in those zones of comfort.

Our limiting aspects can keep us from reaching our limits, and then go beyond or they can be doorways for us to reach out to our limits.

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